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Real Sports explores the grass vs. turf issue from the perspective of high

May 16, 2023

After the NFL embraced a form of artificial turf that looks more like grass, communities throughout the country began raising the money necessary to install one of their own fields full of thousands of green plastic blades and millions of small rubber pellets. Amid the ongoing debate regarding the safety of modern turf fields from the perspective of NFL players, HBO will be taking a closer look at the field-safety issue from the perspective of high-school football.

It's one of the topics for the next episode of the always-excellent Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, in a feature reported by Andrea Kremer and produced by Jake Rosenwasser.

It will be interesting to hear what has been uncovered regarding the safety of fake grass for young football players — especially since the league prides itself on the trickle-down of developments in the NFL to lower levels of the sport.

If Real Sports has concluded that artificial turf presents unacceptable health risks for high-school players, perhaps the NFL will take even more seriously the wisdom of switching to all grass fields.

The new episode debuts on Tuesday, May 23 at 10:00 p.m. ET.

Put actual ligament injuries to one side for a minute & start questioning the safety of those little black rubber beads – recycling old tires may seem like a good way to give the rubber another life rather than dumping the tyres but there's already evidence of a link between the rubber beads & cancer, especially in younger kids.

I played on turf in college at 2 different schools – one the carpet, easy to get a foot stuck and twisted around, the other, the fake grass with the cancer beads – easy to get a foot stuck and twisted around. Turf is bad all around. And after it rains, those cancer beads leech into the soil around the field contaminating it

What now….will the media demand that the NFL, or worse, taxpayers, foot the bill for grass fields for all HS football stadiums? SMFH If a player gets hurt on a grass field….then what do we change the field to….pillows?

ukmark says:May 18, 2023 at 12:47 pmPut actual ligament injuries to one side for a minute & start questioning the safety of those little black rubber beads – recycling old tires may seem like a good way to give the rubber another life rather than dumping the tyres but there's already evidence of a link between the rubber beads & cancer, especially in younger kids._____________

Excellent points. However, school districts have discovered that turf fields are less costly over their useful lives than maintaining grass fields. With the regressives out there refusing to properly fund public education the schools have to cut costs where they can.

This show is terrible. I can't believe it's still on.

Freaking lobbyists best interests vs peoples health. Sad

I guess the Gatorade versus Powerade story wasn't quite as hard hitting.

Follow the $

"It will be interesting to hear what has been uncovered regarding the safety of fake grass for young football players…"

Like we can't predict this one? Like they’re really gonna say it's a refreshing surprise and end the piece with saying it's a whole nothing-burger. I don't think we can call it a news show when we know the beginning, middle and end before it even airs.

dryzzt23 says:May 18, 2023 at 12:59 pmWhat now….will the media demand that the NFL, or worse, taxpayers, foot the bill for grass fields for all HS football stadiums? SMFH If a player gets hurt on a grass field….then what do we change the field to….pillows?___________

I wonder where you get your information from. You do realize that Fox News, Newsmax, etc. are media.

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