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Ribble Valley's worries for roadside workers as overgrown trees and long grass take over

Jun 09, 2023

Ribble Valley Borough Council has raised concern for the safety of those who work on the roadside

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Dangers faced by roadside workers, motorists and volunteers relating to long grass, overgrown trees or litter near busy traffic have been highlighted at Ribble Valley Borough Council.

Concerns were raised over reports of council workers allegedly feeling pressured to work near A59 traffic. Other issues included challenges of litter and grass cutting around the Barrow Brook fast-food service area near Clitheroe and litter at the Nick O’Pendle.

Following the local elections, a number of new Ribble Valley councillors have joined the Community Services Committee,

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Council leisure and engineering officers Mark Beveridge and Winston Robinson explained the range of community services work. It includes waste collection, maintenance and engineering work, environmental health, some road closure work liaising with Lancashire County Council, CCTV; off-street car parks, some electric vehicle charging points, arts and sports grants, playgrounds, grass cutting and sports pitches.

Conservative Stella Brunskill asked: "Who is responsible for cutting trees? Quite a few road signs are in a bad state. They are dirty and covered by trees. I’d like to see work stepped-up."

Conservative Coun Richard Newmark, committee chairman, said Ribble Valley worked with the county council to clean signs but was not allowed to do some tasks.

Winston Robinson said Ribble Valley staff were trained to work around roads with 30mph speed limits. Situations with higher speed limits needed reporting to the county. It was not work for parish councils. Lib-Dem Coun Simon O’Rourke said: "How come Ribble Valley staff are working on the A59 without buffer [warning sign] wagons? I think its potentially dangerous."

However Mr Beveridge said: "We only do work in the lay-bys now. We have spoken to the county about trying to collect litter thrown out of car windows up to the Nick of Pendle. Unfortunately the road closure is not forthcoming so we won't be able to collect it. It's the same challenge with the A59 and some country roads. Some roads can be dealt with by mobile traffic control but very few have enough straight sections for mobile traffic restrictions."

Lib-Dem Coun Mary Robinson said: "Can you check because I understand the workers were asked to do the side of the road? To be honest, they were quite worried that they would be in trouble if they did not do it."

Mr Beveridge replied: "We don't have many bins in lay-bys because of fly-tipping. Where we have removed bins, fly-tipping has been less. But we are trying to keep lay-bys free of waste."

Independent Coun Lee Street, a Wiswell and Barrow representative, asked about Barrow Brook. He said: "Grass cutting and weeding is not done at all. Residents do it. We never seem to get an answer if it's Ribble Valley's or the county council's responsibility. The litter is horrific. It's really bad after weekends on Mondays. I don't know if birds spread litter from bins? But it's not a good look for the borough. That's the only roadside services we have."

Mr Beveridge said: "All pavements are the county council's responsibility. However we (Ribble Valley Council) do some areas but not Barrow Brook. I have spoken to operators of fast-food businesses and there were litter issues there. I can assure you they all took the issue as seriously as residents. Regarding cutting the roundabout and verges, we don't do that because it's unsafe for staff. They need traffic management even though it's a 30mph area. If you were hit by a car, it could kill you. I understand the county council is going to address that. It's a similar issue along the A59.

"Grass grows considerably and can cut sight-lines for drivers, That type of cutting work is contracted out. I don't know who Barrow Brook is contracted to. But it was said we cannot do it in-house."

Simon O’Rourke said people's attitudes to litter needed to be changed through education. Signs encouraging people to take their litter home should be installed. Litter should be seen as dangerous and anti-social, like speeding.


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